
Monday, August 28, 2017

Lateral meniscus injury...

MC seminggu..then sambung pulak public holiday 2 hari...makanya Sept je la baru yours truly masuk office...yours truly kena lateral meniscus injury...avoid surgery so suntik gel je...then physio for 6 weeks....hari ni first day physio since kena inject last thursday...mak aihh..sakitnya laa..jenuh appointment this kena make sure yours truly is fit to work...tak nak sambung MC dah sebab banyak benda kena buat...

haihh...MC pun still keje..reply emails..malangnya MC masa SCO nak tanak kena la siapkan keje..somehow rasa bersyukur gak MC ni..mungkin Allah tu nak bagi chance yours truly berehat after 1 month berhempas pulas keje balik lambat due to new system setup...

tapi lepas ni memang kena jaga betul more paling sedih....kena cycle at least 3-4 times per more high heels....and maintain current weight...haihh...bila tengok orang lepas surgery tu memang seksa...yours truly memang kena elakkan surgery..kalo tak confirm depress...

Monday, August 21, 2017

Gathering = Makan

What i like the most about my office mate is..everybody like to eat...every outing pun confirm makan je...macam macam craving...we like to plan something to look forward whenever semua orang stress....macam sekarang we all stress about new system we planned for road trip to eat seafood....tengok! makan je la yang bole menenangkan hati semua orang kannnn....bila ada benda nak look kurang la rasa stress tu kan....katanya laaa...

sebelum ni pun team activities...makan plus karaoke...then makan lagi...the whole day pulak tu....and that team activities was before training session and whatnot for the new system setup....haa...kan dah cakap asal stress je makan bebudak ni...

Oct pun dah ada plan...makan buffet...errr..makan lagi...lets hope yang tu jadi...sebab yours truly pun looking forward to go to that place...last pegi masa kecik kot....

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Long post update....

Sedang relax relax depan tv sambil berdoa...'tolong la jgn ada big boss text boss saya dan menyebabkan boss kena text saya pulakk'...isskk....

Trying to enjoy my weekend coz next 3 weeks are going to be havoc for us...trainers turun ke our office to guide on mock 1..of course yours truly dalam mock 1 please expect the unexpected....

On the other hand i had good time with our gang last night to celebrate our and uno attack session...meriah! 

Oh ya...dah lebih daripada 2 minggu sakit lutut..sakit bila nak lipat especially masa tahhiyat house clinic bagi ubat untuk muscle pain and vitamin for nerve..kalau tak baik jugak kena refer kat ortho...haihh...takut laaa..this is the same spot yang ada tear sebab accident dulu...tolong la cepat baik...

Thinking to start indoor herb gardening...tapi tah bila nak pegi jenguk nursery utk beli tanah..pasu pun tatau..asyik la kemalasan ni...lets see how next weekend...

Sunday, August 6, 2017

After the whole week training....

After 1 whole week training is closing week which means busy catching up with invoicing...but yours truly busy preparing for mock 1 which will start on 7th Aug...hari hari balik lambat..the other person is complaining about it..yours truly malas nak banyak cakap..told him earlier this month going to be hell of the bertabah je la..

Khamis jumaat dapat balik pukul 7 pun dah rasa wahhh..balik awal...heh! Weekend well spent on sushi lunch and thai massage session...sakit belakang since the training week..hopefully it will get better after this....

Tapi..weekend pun yours truly did some of work..sebab memikirkan esok cuti..takut tak sempat nak buat..but i limit myself only for 2 hours...lepas tu tutup dah..i need my me time and some rest to go through next week...